BdREN has come up with 2(two) types of Video Conferencing solutions.

  1. Physical appearance among distance sites
  2. Virtual appearance among remote sites.

For the former, the attendants of the meeting need to be physically present at a specific meeting location having all the facilities for transmission and reception of digital signals available. For the latter the attendants may stay at their preferred location with only requirement being availability of internet connection and end devices in the form of desktop, laptop or smart phones.

BdREN has established physical meeting room at almost all the Public Universities, 12 Medical Colleges, 10 Research Institutes and 3 Private Universities which are fully equipped for delivering customer satisfying services using state-of-the-art technology.

Event Event Event

The virtual meetings use “Zoom Application” as a software with “Operating System” being application agnostic. The “Zoom Application” has been installed under a project implemented on a financing venture of Asi@Connect with technical consultancy from “NORDUnet” having ThaiREN, NREN, DrukREN, PREGINET and LEARN being the beneficiary countries. Statistics of the meetings held so far under this project are:

Event Event Event Event

A number of Distance Learning and Education (DLE) Courses and Digital Seminars (DigiNars) have been offered under this project. Detail Statistics is available at

All BdREN members are entitled to use

the facility of the “Zoom Application” free of cost.

Snapshot of DLE Course on “Cyber Security”:


Snapshot of DLE Course on “Ethical Hacking”:


Snapshot of Digital Seminar on “Financial Sustainability of NRENs”:


Snapshot of Digital Seminar on “Eduroam and Federated Identitity”:


Come to office

Navana HR Tower-2 | Level-5
205/1 Bir Uttam Mir Shawkat Sarak
Tejgaon-Gulshan Link Road | Dhaka 1208

Want to meet ?

Sunday - Thursday
9am - 6pm

Need Assistence ?

Call Us : +889666-223736